Manatee Coffee takes great pride in sourcing, blending, and roasting 100% Arabica coffee beans that produce a very satisfying rich body of complex flavors.

from Across the Globe
Arabica Beans
The beans we roast are grown at high altitudes in tropical climates where the soil is rich with nutrients—this is the key to great coffee. We source our beans from locations with special growing conditions which produce truly unique beans that we roast perfectly, blend to perfection, and package with care.
The finest blended coffee beans, coupled with our roasting process, creates our signature well balanced smooth taste.
We harvest our green coffee beans from higher elevations in Brazil, Sumatra, and Colombia. And we time our roasting process to the second and control the temperature to ensure the roast has the most flavorful potential with the lowest amount of acid. The flavor profile of every shipment is also tested to make sure it meets our standards.

Well Balanced & Smooth Taste
A wonderfully well-balanced coffee is achieved by blending beans inherently low in acid content. We then roast the beans in such a way the acidity is minimized without affecting our great taste. Our handcrafted process avoids the bitterness and stomach issues of many coffees on the market today.

Grinding & Brewing Instructions
Coffee/French Press: Coarse Grind
Drip Coffee: Medium Grind
Espresso: Fine Grind
The finer the grind, the stronger the coffee.
• Grind beans just before brewing
• Always start with fresh, filtered water
• Use 2 tbsp. ground coffee to 6 fl. oz. water
• Adjust measurement to taste
Serving & Storage
Manatee Coffee is taste profiled for a medium grind in a pour over or flat bottom brewer. If you are using a French Press, we recommend grinding to a coarse setting.
To intensify the flavor, grind our coffee to a finer grind.
We do not recommend storing coffee in the refrigerator or freezer, as this damages the taste profile. Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place to preserve flavor and aroma.
Manatee Coffee Ingredients
100% Arabica Coffee. Flavored Coffees Contain Natural and/or Artificial Flavoring. Allergen Free. Gluten Free. Ⓤ Kosher Certified.